T8 International Private Limited is committed to providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience. This page describes the additional options that are available to help you view and navigate this web site.


This web site supports most commonly-used browsers, including Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Safari.

Screen resolution

This web site is optimized to be viewed on a variety of devices and at different screen resolutions with a minimum amount of scrolling, panning, and zooming.


Images on this site are provided with descriptive ALT attributes. This is to facilitate the use of screen readers and other such devices.

Audio files

To listen to T8 International Private Limited podcasts you will need a media player (such as Windows Media Player, RealPlayer or iTunes). Ordinarily you can download a media player for free from the developer’s website.


Use of a modern up-to-date browser should allow for viewing of multimedia presentations or video clips on this site. Text alternatives are provided for most multimedia content in the form of close captions.


All pages contain a link to the home page, sitemap and search box. The navigation system has been constructed in a consistent fashion to provide clear navigation pathways throughout the site.


If you would like to use a screen reader to read PDF documents you can find out more on the Adobe Accessibility website.


Although JavaScript is used throughout the site, site functions such as navigation and search will fully function for site visitors that do not have JavaScript enabled in their browser.

Further assistance

If you have further questions or feedback relating to this website, please use our email form to contact us.